AFK-Assistant Auto update: What’s new?

Boost time tracking activity reports: Generate perfect activity reports with AFK-Assistant app settings

App settings are back and improved!

AFK-Assistant Auto was released as a replacement for AFK-Assistant 2.0 edition, the only AFK-Assistant app that supported setting up custom parameters and changing how app behaves.

However, in the meantime, we’ve got so much feedback. This feedback helps us improve with each release, and include new features.
And, as it seems, you guys REALLY like having customizable app settings.

So, here it is: AFK-Assistant Auto, with settings.

Why so complicated?!

Customizable parameters include so many new options, it might seem too overwhelming at first sight. But there’s a reason for this.

Prior to AFK-Assistant Auto initial release, we took notes from user feedback about generated time tracking activity reports. There was one statement that started showing up more often than expected: “Keyboard and mouse activity is suddenly too low”.

This was quite strange, since we tested everything so many times, with each app edition and release, and never got the results like mentioned. But, users insisted that something is different.

More often than not, this was the issue specific to Time Doctor time tracking software.

So, it was clear – Time Doctor became “smarter”. That is to say, it seems that this time tracking software was now quite good in detecting similarities within somewhat random keyboard and mouse events. But, since they are not sure it’s not human activity, they didn’t exclude that activity reports. Instead, it was shown as lower activity than what was actually performed.

But, to be fair, all of this was just a big guess, with no actual proof at all. Not like they’re going to reveal, in details, how this time tracking software is detecting user activity.

Still, it required immediate action on our side. So we created AFK-Assistant Auto. It was HEAVILY tested, especially with Time Doctor. Hundreds of hours of recording AFK-Assistant activity, looking trough activity reports, fine-tuning the parameters to make everything more smooth and more human-like.

But, after all of those tweaks, it was quite impossible to include the settings option. One reason being that the current settings layout doesn’t cover enough parameters. Secondly, AFK-Assistant was now so much more complex. And lastly, even the smallest change could enable Time Doctor to again recognize the similarities in app behavior patterns, which would bring the same, unwanted result in the activity reports.

But, you guys insisted. And we listened.

So, here we are. Settings are back, and more detailed than ever.

Settings step-by-step tutorial

In the next update, these sections will contain video instructions.

1. Mouse activity

AFK-Assistant Auto - Mouse activity

AFK-Assistant mouse activity settings contain 5 individual function settings, all working together to enable you to program your PC cursor behavior to the finest detail.
Here’s how each of those sub-sections affect mouse movement and cursor activity.

1.1. Vertical travel distance

AFK-Assistant Auto - Mouse movement vertical travel distance settings

Mouse activity vertical travel distance settings allows you to set minimum and maximum vertical cursor movement values. When cursor performs movement across the display vertically (display height), AFK-Assistant Auto application will choose a random value (in pixels) that is between the set minimum and maximum values.

In the image above, chosen vertical travel distance value will be between 10 px and 150 px. This value will be randomly generated for each movement cycle, in order to randomize and humanize vertical mouse movements.

These values will be used in conjunction with set values for horizontal mouse movements, in order to generate random cursor movements in every direction across the screen.

1.2. Horizontal travel distance

AFK-Assistant Auto - Mouse movement horizontal travel distance settings

Mouse activity horizontal travel distance settings allows you to set minimum and maximum horizontal cursor movement values. When cursor performs movement across the display horizontally (display width), AFK-Assistant Auto application will choose a random value (in pixels) that is between the set minimum and maximum values.

In the image above, chosen horizontal travel distance value will be between 15 px and 250 px. This value will be randomly generated for each movement cycle, in order to randomize and humanize horizontal mouse movements.

These values will be used in conjunction with set values for vertical mouse movements, in order to generate random cursor movements in every direction across the screen.

1.3. Fast random movement

AFK-Assistant Auto - Mouse movement fast random movements settings

Mouse activity fast random movement settings allows you to set minimum and maximum idle time for fast cursor movement. When cursor performs fast movements, AFK-Assistant Auto application will choose a random value (in milliseconds) that is between the set minimum and maximum values.

In the image above, chosen fast random movement idle time value will be between 100 ms and 250 ms. This value will be randomly generated for each fast movement cycle, in order to randomize and humanize fast random mouse movements.

These values will be used in conjunction with set values for slow random movements, in order to generate diversified cursor movements and mouse activity.

1.4. Slow random movement

AFK-Assistant Auto - Mouse movement slow random movements settings

1.5. Mouse mode switch interval

2. Keyboard activity

AFK-Assistant Auto - Keyboard activity

2.1. Fast keyboard activity

NOTE: This page will be further updated soon!

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