How to hack time tracking software

Frequently asked questions

AFK-Assistant is a software that automates and mimics human activity on Windows PC.

It’s main purpose is to “trick” time tracking software into thinking that someone is actively using PC, in order to prevent (among other things) annoying popup timer that is implemented by most time tracking tools.

Find out more by watching this short video: AFK-Assistant introduction


Some of the main AFK-Assistant features are:

  • Random, human-like cursor movements
  • Active, non-conflicting keyboard events
  • Horizontal and vertical scrolling
  • Focused app window switching (ALT+TAB)
  • Active browser tab change (Chrome)
  • Configurable individual speed settings
  • Runs in tray, with global shortcuts

Compare features and pricing.


While it’s quite difficult to successfully trick time tracking software to recognize cursor and keyboard activity, AFK-Assistant has a way around it.

Most time tracking tools are “smart” enough to notice software input and block or ignore such activity. However, this is not the case with AFK-Assistant.

With AFK-Assistant, all mouse and keyboard activity will be properly recorded by any time tracking tool, same as if being actively used by human.

Would you like to test it out for free? Start free trial for $0.


AFK-Assistant should not be recognized or shown in the list of used app as long as it is starts BEFORE any time tracking starts.

This is why we recommend leaving this option enabled while installing AFK-Assistant app.

By default, it will run on startup and should not be detected. However, there’s one more option available.

All our customers can request custom app version, which uses different name and icon and has menu items disabled, without any change in pricing.

If you would like to order this custom version, please contact us by visiting our Contact page or by sending an email to



$ 5
  • Cursor movement
  • Keyboard activity
  • Scrolling events
  • Application switching
  • Browser tab changing
  • Settings (MacOS, Linux)
  • Auto-detect idle state
  • Lifetime free updates
  • 7 days free trial
  • $0 signup fees


$ 10
  • Cursor movement
  • Keyboard activity
  • Scrolling events
  • Application switching
  • Browser tab changing
  • Settings (MacOS, Linux)
  • Auto-detect idle state
  • Lifetime free updates
  • 7 days free trial
  • $0 signup fees


$ 15
  • Cursor movement
  • Keyboard activity
  • Scrolling events
  • Application switching
  • Browser tab changing
  • Configurable settings
  • Auto-detect idle state
  • Lifetime free updates
  • 7 days free trial
  • $0 signup fees

What is a "time tracking software"

Let’s start by defining a time tracking software. In Wikipedia’s words:

Time-tracking software is a category of computer software that allows its employees to record time spent on tasks or projects.

At first, one might think: “Okay, that seems about right. Nothing wrong there.” But, in reality, nothing about this statement comes close to the full picture.

Although the definition of time tracking tools is not technically incorrect, it does not describe the full implications of using such utilities for tracking projects and progress that remote employees are making during the work day.

In short: It’s quite impossible to get the real insight into a remote employee’s work day by using software (or any kind of automated tool). At best, it is only a close approximation which creates a distorted view while, in turn, invading employees privacy and resulting in decreased earnings by excluding “non-active” time spent in the home office.

Types of time monitoring tools

Here are some of the most famous time tracking tools:

  • Time Doctor (
  • Hubstaff (
  • DeskTime (
  • Timecamp (
  • Kickidler (

Most of these tools include similar features like:

  • Time tracking
  • Screenshots
  • Chat monitoring
  • Client tracking
  • Web and app usage tracking
  • GPS tracking
  • Attendance tracking
  • Breaks tracking, and more.

As you may notice, some of those features are quite intrusive of user privacy.

For example, if you use time doctor on your mobile, your employer will get your location reports. If you use desktop application to track your tasks, your employer will get full reports about what apps you opened, which pages you surf on the web, will be able to see you monitor screenshots and screen recordings.

Also, one of the most annoying things about tracking software such as Time Doctor is the popup timer which triggers when you’re not active.

At first glance, all of this might seem like a necessity. I mean, your employers are giving you work and paying you for your time, so they should know how that time is spent, right?

Well, sure, we can agree on that. But, even so, there are a few scenarios in which the above mentioned logic does not apply.

Let’s take a look into some of those situations.

Bad sides of time monitoring software

Here’s few examples based on our own personal experience with time tracking tool. You’ll notice that in each situation listed below, time monitoring software was more of a problem than a solution.

1) Leaking credit card information through screenshots

It happened more than once. I get an email that some bill needs to be paid. So, since I’m already at my desk and using my PC, I decide to go pay that bill immediately before it slips my mind. I forget about being tracked by Time Doctor, and proceed to enter my credit card details in order to pay the bill.

At that moment, Time Doctor desktop app takes a random screenshot and saves it. Now my employer (and anyone they share the Time Doctor account with) can see my credit card details.

2) Leaking personal conversations through screenshots and/or screen recordings

Working from home often seems to our friends and family like being available all the time. Somehow, it’s hard to get the point across that you’re in the office, no matter if this office is at you home.

That’s why it happens from time to time that someone sends us a message while working, and that message get captured by a screenshot or screen recorder.

I don’t believe that in-office workers have limitations and restrictions against answering an occasional message, so it shouldn’t be a thing for remote workers as well. Unfortunately, due to privacy issues, any type of online communication must be avoided while working.

Of course, those screenshots can be deleted, but there’s a problem with that as well. Which leads to the next issue on our list.

3) Deleting screenshots

We are often given an option to delete the screenshot. And, as Time Doctor puts it:

This [deleting screenshot] will correspondingly delete the corresponding amount of time worked

The problem is, it only took me about 30 seconds to enter my card details, and deleting screenshot will often remove 3-5 minutes from my work time

This happened on multiple occasions. It’s frustrating and it quickly adds up.

Also, employers would often ask about the reason for deleting screenshots and doubt that there was a perfectly logical explanation for this.

Once this happens a few times and doubt sets in, it’s only the beginning of the end. Soon, you’ll be out of job because you mess around with time tracking software and remove data from reports. It doesn’t matter if deleting a screenshot also removes the work time and you won’t get paid for that. You simply “can’t be trusted any more”.

4) App and web usage tracking and unclear “poor time usage” reports

Often, I prefer listening to some kind of meditative and relaxing musing while working. It helps me concentrate, get more job done and remain at work for a longer time period.

One way I’d do this is by playing a YouTube playlist or a long meditative video. I have a dual monitor setup, so once I start a video on YouTube, I minimize that browser tab, leaving my both displays available for work.

Time Doctor tracking software will mark this activity and generate “poor time usage” report, which makes it seem like I was spending long periods of time watching YouTube videos instead of working. Obviously, this wasn’t the case and can easily be proved by recorded screenshots. Nevertheless, I could get penalized or even fired for this.

Same thing if I create a playlist on my PC and use some desktop application for listening. That activity would also be recorded and potentially marked as a “poor time usage”.

It’s pretty self-evident what’s the issue there.

5) Timer triggers when keyboard and mouse are “inactive”

My work often includes uploading large amount of files, website backups and other time consuming tasks which don’t necessarily require keyboard and/or mouse activity. When this happens, my internet connection is blocked until files are uploaded, so I can’t use my time doing any other work online. I have to wait.

But, this is an issue. This “waiting” triggers a timer because mouse and keyboard are not active, and this timer gives 60 seconds to confirm that “I am working”. If I don’t click the button within this 60 seconds frame, and I select “I was working” option afterwards, this time get marked as “added manually”.

Of course, no one would want to tolerate manual editing of time reports. On the contrary, most employers would insist on paying only for “active” work time.

This, in turn, means that while I am waiting for the task to finish I have to randomly move mouse cursor in order to avoid triggering the timer. There are many other situations in which I can’t even leave my desk, such as answering calls for example, but instead have to take care not to trigger the timer.

This can be quite stressful, and it’s one of the main reasons why I created an app to keep my PC active while I’m “away from keyboard” or while waiting for the upload to finish.

And this is how the idea of virtual AFK-Assistant (away from keyboard assistant) was first born.

Why was AFK-Assistant developed

Since one of the most stress-inducing and irritating features of any time tracking software is the timer that gets triggered when keyboard and mouse are “not active”, I needed a solution to this problem. I got really bored waiting at my dest for the task to finish, while moving my mouse from time to time, and worrying about the timer being triggered any time I go to the bathroom or to make a cup of coffee.

So, I was looking for some kind of mouse moving software that would keep my PC active while waiting.

Please note, screenshots were still taken by the time tracking software, so my employer could easily check what I was doing. I wasn’t worried about that, I just wanted some app that would keep the timer from being triggered so that I could minimize loss in working hours and “manually added” time reports.

I really couldn’t find anything online, so I decided to build an app myself.

Everyone in my team is REALLY happy to use it. No one could stand Time Doctor or the way it was being used by our employer in order to avoid paying for full work day. Instead, our boss was willing to only pay for active work time, and this approach cut our work time significantly even though the screenshots did prove that we were working.

It wasn’t fair, but there wasn’t much we could do.

Side note: One of my team members asked his wife to move the mouse cursor on his PC while he’d go to the bathroom, since he already couldn’t get paid for all of his working hours. She also helped him out whenever he was uploading files, so he could rest for a few minutes until uploading finished.

Adding features to AFK-Assistant

Once our employer started getting the same amount of work done and, at the same time, paying his employees way less (thanks to Time Doctor), we all decided to get back at him.

We were already largely underpaid, with no benefits, missed payment deadlines, late payments (even by a few months on a couple of occasions), while working every day, including daily overtime. So, one day, he decided to refuse paying some employees in total. No reason or explanation, just a simple act of ignoring payment requests.

I added some features that enable any AFK-Assistant user to “hack” Time Doctor by mimicking user activity. And, here’s how it all works.

How to hack Time Doctor with AFK-Assistant

Hacking Time Doctor, or any other time tracking software that runs in a similar way, is quite easy. All you need is to choose AFK-Assistant version which includes all features listed below:

  • Random, human-like cursor movements
  • Keyboard activity
  • Horizontal and vertical mouse scrolling events
  • Active application window switching (up to 5 running desktop apps)
  • Browser tab changing (up to 7 open tabs in Chrome)

You just start AFK-Assistant, activate feature by using some of the available keyboard shortcuts listed below, and watch the magic happen.

  • ALT+M: Activates random cursor movements
  • ALT+K: Starts keyboard activity
  • ALT+S: Activates random bidirectional scrolling events
  • ALT+A: Activates all features, including app and browser tab switching
  • ALT+X: Exits currently activated feature
  • ALT+Q: Quits the app

So, if you want to trick Time Doctor (or any similar tracking tool), you just need to start time tracking software, press ALT+A and observe how AFK-Assistant mimics user activity and cheats time tracking tool.

Mouse cursor starts moving randomly, up to 5 open desktop apps start switching, horizontal and vertical scrolling happens, up to 7 Chrome browser tabs change randomly – which in turn also generates keyboard activity reports.

If you use AFK-Assistant the smart way, you can easily get more hours of work added to your reports. Which means that you’ll get paid a bit more. So, in fact AFK-Assistant will “earn” money to pay for itself.

Please don’t overdo it and get yourself fired! We strongly advise you to use AFK-Assistant responsibly and only when needed.

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