Step-by-step instructions on how to trick DeskTime app.
Step 1: Meet your new assistant, AFK-Assistant
First things first. In order to successfully trick any time tracking software, you would need a digital assistant of some kind.
For this purpose, we would suggest our own pride and joy: AFK-Assistant.
What makes AFK-Assistant unique is that it’s purposefully designed to trick time tracking software such as DeskTime, for example, into “thinking” that you are actively using your PC while, in fact, you are away from keyboard.
Often, user input that is generated with software gets easily recognized and blocked by any “smart” time tracking app.
However, that is not the case here. We have found a way to generate user input (cursor movements, scrolling and keyboard activity) so that it’s practically indistinguishable from real user input (moving mouse, scrolling or using keyboard).
So, all activity that is generated by AFK-Assistant will be recognized as “real, human activity.
In addition, AFK-Assistant has few more handy features. Some of those are randomly switching focused app windows to foreground, and changing browser tabs in Chrome.
Here’s a short video explaining all:
Step 2: Download and install AFK-Assistant
Choose AFK-Assistant version that best fits your need. We would recommend fully featured AFK-Assistant 2.0, since this version has it all.
You can choose a test run 10 days free trial subscription plan with $0 initial payment.
All editions:
$9.99 per month
- 10 days Free Trial
- Cursor movement
- Keyboard activity
- Free updates
- Undetectable
- Advanced shortcuts
$17.99 per month
- 10 days Free Trial
- Cursor movement
- Keyboard activity
- Scrolling events
- Free updates
- Undetectable
- Advanced shortcuts
- Browser tab changing
- Application switching
- Auto-detect idle state
- Configurable settings
- Unlimited support
Most Popular
Remote CTRL
$25.99 per month
- 10 days Free Trial
- Cursor movement
- Keyboard activity
- Scrolling events
- Free updates
- Undetectable
- Advanced shortcuts
- Browser tab changing
- Application switching
- Auto-detect idle state
- Configurable settings
- Unlimited support
- Remote control
- Connect via any browser
- Android app
Step 3: Disable DeskTime startup
One of the “features” of DeskTime tracking software is that it runs as soon as you turn on your PC.
AFK-Assistant does the same, but just to make sure that AFK-Assistant will start BEFORE DeskTime app starts, you can disable DeskTime startup run.
On your keyboard, press CTRL+SHIFT+Esc to open Windows task manager. Select the “Startup” tab in the task manager, find DeskTime and click the “Disable” button.
This will make sure DeskTime only runs when you want it to run.
Also, one more benefit to this is that AFK-Assistant will run on startup and so remain hidden to most time tracking software apps.
If, however, you notice that AFK-Assistant is still being detected as one of the apps running in the background, we have a solution for that as well.
Just contact our support team at, or by visiting our Contact page, and request a custom version of the AFK-Assistant software. We will make sure to give you a customized version of the app, and you can choose the name and app icon yourself.
This won’t affect the pricing, and we might add some features if requested.
Step 4: How to trick DeskTime software
Now that you have everything set up, we are can start “hacking” DeskTime app.
Make sure AFK-Assistant is running in the background before starting DeskTime time tracker.
Start using awesome AFK-Assistant features to trick DeskTime in thinking that you are active.
For example, start up to 5 desktop apps that you use for work and open up to 7 tabs in Chrome, preferably some sheets and websites that you use while working.
Now press ALT+A to activate all AFK-Assistant features.
Watch the magic happen.
AFK-Assistant will start randomly moving cursor in a smooth, human-like way. It will start scrolling vertically and horizontally in both directions. Also, it will switch focused app windows and change browser tabs.
This way, you don’t have to worry about DeskTime screenshots at all.
Every screenshot will be different, and your activity will be recorded by DeskTime.
Have fun!